What’s On Our Bookshelf This Month-January 2024, Part 2
We are back with another book roundup. Today we are taking a peek at what Brinley (6) and Vaila (4) have on their shelves. Recently they have wanted to take over as the book selectors, so this month is not as curated or themed as it has been in the past. But, I love their excitement for books and am all for them getting involved and expressing their interests! They usually read independently in the morning and we read together as a family as part of the bedtime routine. I will also add that Brinley can read most of these books completely by herself now, so she will sometimes read to her younger sisters. This is tremendously helpful and sometimes they gather in my bedroom while I get ready or fold laundry and Brinley will read to us all!
I change the books out each month and this helps keep everyone interested in reading. I sometimes set a reminder on my phone or write it as as to-do item in my planner, but usually I just swap out the books on the 1st of every month. Find a system that works for you and stick with it until a new system works better.
So what books did they pick? Let’s take a look!
Here’s what they have on the shelves right now:
What Should Darla Do? -They both absolutely adore this book and will read it together for 30 minutes straight! It’s a choose-your-own-adventure type book, so they start over again and again.
When I Am Big -Humorous and intriguing for kids, this is a book Vaila enjoys for the pictures and the words.
Everyone Poops -Top 5 favorite book in our house! All 3 of the older girls love this one and I like that it helps normalize pooping! Great for potty training ages and beyond.
Spend It! -A fantastic book to add when you start having conversations about money with your children. We reference this book all the time and whenever I take it out of rotation, it somehow finds its way back upstairs. My kids love it and I bet yours will, too.
My New Friend Is So Fun! -Brinley loves Elephant and Piggie books right now and this is one of her top picks.
Just Ask! -I like the messaging behind this book (celebrating the ways our differences and unique challenges helps everyone contributes to our a better world) and the kids want to read it over and over again. I also like that it introduces different topics such as diabetes, allergies, autism, and wheelchair use so we can have conversations at home and relate these ideas to our neighbors, family, and classmates.
Old Rock (is not boring) -Is it the flying rock, the dinosaurs, or the hummingbird that draws my kids toward this book? I’m not sure, but this is another book that always seems to make its way back to the bookshelf whenever I take it down to the basement.
I Am Smart, I Am Blessed, I Can Do Anything! -A fantastic message for the kids, and honestly for myself as well. The repetition is fun and this book is so relatable, because we all have a bad start to the day every now and then.
A Little SPOT of Kindness -Vaila received this book from her teachers and she loves it! She is such a thoughtful human and enjoys talking about kindness, so it was a perfect fit.
Curious George Goes to the Chocolate Factory -This is a favorite of all 3 of the older kids right now. Curious George is up to his usual antics and the chocolate factor only adds to the humor.
There’s a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake - I honestly can never remember the tune to the song, but simply reading this book brings out a whole lot of giggles at my house!
Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes -Are you seeing a theme with the funny books here? The kids love reading this one independently.
How to Say Hello to a Worm -I love the illustrations in this book and the kids love the plant/nature aspect, so even though it is January they are pumped to start our garden in the spring.
What Makes a Baby -This book helped me explain how a baby is made a few years ago and we reference this book a lot. A great way to introduce an important topic.
Pete the Kitty Wash Your Hands -A great reminder for my children, especially with a new baby at home in winter! This is a cute book.
Just a Little Love -This Little Critter book is fun and funny! We read this book a lot and I always chuckle and relate so much to the mom in this book.
There’s a Monster in Your Book -This book is interactive, and the kinds find the monster so cute!
The Flower Prowler -All of the kids love this book! There are days that I read it no less than 4 times before I have to tap out.
Do you have any of these books? Be sure to check back here on the blog as I add our book bin and the bookshelves from Ellette’s room. And check out the nursery bookshelves for this month! There are some good picks in all of them.
A countdown to Christmas using a book Advent is the perfect way to help your kids prepare for the magic and wonder of the season.