Hey there!

I’m Miranda

I live in Michigan and am the creator of Filling Our Days. I love being outside and spending time with my children. I spend most of the day as a stay-at-home mom and have found activities and crafts to be such a helpful tool in my parenting journey. I’m here to share ideas you can try in your own family so you can reclaim your peace and enjoy the time you have with your children! Together let’s build memories and a life you love.

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Activity, Game Miranda Moncada-Sullivan Activity, Game Miranda Moncada-Sullivan

Spiderweb Balance- Halloween Fine Motor Activity for Kids

With only 3 basic materials, you can get this activity set up in no time!

No spiders hanging out at your house? Use pom poms instead!

This is a great fine motor activity with ways to add extra challenge for older kids- meaning all of the kids in one group can be entertained and engaged with a challenge that is just right for them!

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Activity, Craft Miranda Moncada-Sullivan Activity, Craft Miranda Moncada-Sullivan

Beaded Pipe Cleaner Snowflakes

This is a great winter craft with minimal set up. Great for fine motor skills, planning, and patterns as your child gets older, these snowflakes can be a fun decoration or just a way to occupy an afternoon.

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Activity, Science Miranda Moncada-Sullivan Activity, Science Miranda Moncada-Sullivan

Magnetic Tile Puzzle Activity

If someone in your house got magnetic tiles as a gift this holiday season, whip up one of these puzzle boards! They are a perfect introduction to different configuration options and provide a new way to play with the magnetic tiles.

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