Our Favorite Games for Kids
If you read our Holiday Shopping Watchlist post from a few weeks ago, you know that the kids love games and we try to gift them some for Christmas every year. If you are looking for a game, check out this list of our favorites. As reference, these games may have an age range listed that is older than when we introduce the game. Even if the kids don’t play the “right” way at first, it can still fun and beneficial to introduce them to the concept of games early on. You know your child best, so don’t shy away from a game for your 4 year old simply because the age listed on the box is 6 or 8+.
Before we get to the big list of games, I wanted to say that right now my children are 2, 4.5, and 6.5 years old. Sometimes I play with one or two of them while the other naps or is at school, sometimes the kids play with each other, and sometimes they take all the pieces out and disagree about how to play. I think there is a lot of value in playing games together and I really enjoy the quiet time games can sometimes bring to our house. Keep scrolling to see our favorites.
Our Favorite Games
Monopoly Junior- Our 6 year old loves this game! Vaila understands it well at 4.5 years old and the two of them can play independently.
Fluxx- I think I first played this game while on study abroad in Australia! I came home and found this game at a garage sale for $0.75 and have kept it all these years. My husband, who typically is not a fan of games, will actually play this with me on date nights. The kids love it (we modify the rules or just play very slowly), and it is a fun way to spend a cold or rainy afternoon. When I was getting games out of our cabinet to make the list of our favorites, Brinley say this game and said “Oh, I love this one!”, so there you have it. This game is hard to describe because the goal is always changing, but it is absolutely fun. The box suggests 8+, but as I mentioned above, I introduced this game around 4 years old and it was still fun to play some of it. It also was novel and kept the kids occupied, which is sometimes absolutely necessary for my sanity. There are also a lot of different versions or themes, but all I can speak on is the original.
Mancala- this was a recent rediscovery for me and it ended up being such a great one! I was trying to get some work done and the kids wanted to play a game with me. I thought they would enjoy looking at, counting, or organizing the gems from this game while I finished up my task for a few minutes. They did not enjoy that and instead wanted to know how to play the official game. I taught them and it brought on a lot of arguing for a few minutes, but eventually transitioned into Brinley and Vaila playing together for nearly 45 minutes! They have since brought this game back out multiple times and played together. Ellette is only 2 right now and desperately wants to play (aka hold the gems), but this 2-person game does not work well for 3 eager children. She does like to help me count the gems when the bigger kids are finished, so we will also call that a small victory for her.
Spot It!- This game says 6+ on the box, but we started finding matches very slowly at 3 for Brinley and maybe even a little younger for Vaila. This game travels well, can be played with a toddler or older child while you hold or feed a baby, and I have even given the kids a few of the cards each to look at quietly for long car rides if we are trying to get our youngest to nap.
Jenga- This is not an every day game and it is not one of our quiet time go-tos, but it is great to keep the kids entertained while I finish dinner or when we play as a family on weekend afternoons.
Ultimo- This is a wonderful game! Compact, travels well, for 2 players, you can sit down and play with only 1 hand, and kids don’t have to actually be 6 to participate. Younger kids might not get the strategy part, but if you are looking to fill time or practice counting, this is a great buy.
Sequence for Kids- I love that the 4 and 6 year old can easily play this independently! I enjoy it as well when we all sit down together.
Guess Who?- This game is an absolute hit and has been for the last year. One of the most frequently played with games, mainly because the older kids can play this independently while I cook or clean. Sometimes one of them will get it out and somehow play alone. I’m not sure exactly how that works, but the kids enjoy it so I don’t ask too many questions.
Elefun- This is more for the little ones, but still a fun game for preschoolers and maybe slightly older.
Hi-Ho! Cherry-O- This classic game gets a lot of love at our house. I love the counting and fine motor skills it offers and the kids love playing together with and without me.
Count Your Chickens- A perfect cooperative preschool game that older siblings can still enjoy.
Snug as a Bug in a Rug- My kids have loved this game for several years. Great for preschool aged children, but it is still fun for adults or older kids.
The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game- This fun game incorporates some fine motor skills and is sure to be a hit for your 3-4 year old. My 6 year old still plays this as well.
Pretty Pretty Princess- I had this game as a child and honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted to bring it into my house. I was worried about the messaging or the overloading of princess things, but it hasn’t been an issue and the kids adore this game! It is a top pick, especially when Ryan plays with the kids!
Candy Land- Another classic that made the list. The kids love this simple board game.
Don’t Break the Ice- I had this as a kid and remember loving it. The simplicity of it stands the test of time and all of my kids have enjoyed this game from 2-6. I’m assuming they will keep enjoying it beyond 6 years old, but that’s all I can report on for now. The only downside is younger kids will likely need help replacing the ice after it breaks for another round, so I found myself being pulled away from a task if the kids were playing independently.
Happy Salmon- This game is super silly and will be sure to get some laughs from everyone playing. A great group game that gets you up and moving. The box says 6+, but we definitely played with Vaila when she was newly 3.
Slamwich- I also had this game growing up and it was a favorite of mine! The kids have fallen in love and this is a top request in our house. The pace is faster with adults, but the pattern recognition and vocabulary opportunities are fantastic. Who cares if your 4 year old flips cards as fast as a turtle? This can also be played 1 handed, so I’m obviously loving that aspect.
Blokus- This strategy game gets faster with elementary aged kids, but my preschoolers have enjoyed this game so far as well. Placing tiles and making patterns is fun, even if they aren’t playing by the real rules. I still like this game as an adult and it has been very enjoyable that we don’t exclusively have “kid games” at our house. This version is for 2 players and is fantastic for letting the kids play alone or together.
How We Organize and Store Games
Currently we store our most used games in a build in cabinet in a room the kids play in frequently. Some are in boxes, but I’m slowly transitioning over to the wonderful mesh bags I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about. I cut out the cover of the box and save directions, but if the game pieces and board fit in the bag, we have been ditching the whole box. This makes cleanup much easier for the kids and avoids my frustration at the kids stepping on or ripping the box. Do all kids do that or just mine?
As we finish some basement organization projects, my goal is to have a drawer or box that the games live in and we can easily rotate a few upstairs at a time. We just aren’t there yet, so we make do with what we have at the moment.
Games on Our Wish List
Here are some games that we plan to give the kids or are on my wishlist to purchase for them soon.
Cootie- I had this game as a child and absolutely loved it! I think the kids will get a kick out of the colors and different Cootie parts.
Stello- This tile color matching game looks amazing! If I didn’t already have the games situated for gifts this year, I would be adding to cart today.
Throw Throw Burrito- I’ve heard nothing but great things about this game.
Yeti in My Spaghetti- I have this in a box downstairs all ready to be wrapped for Christmas this year. I will be sure to report back, but I’ve heard great things!
Qwirkle- This says 8+ and looks a little complex, so we will probably wait a year or so, but this looks fun!
Outfoxed!- A cooperative game with clues perfect for preschoolers.
Ants in the Pants- I had this game as a child and I bet my kids would love it!
Don’t Spill the Beans- I had this game as a kid and have so many fond memories of it!
Kerplunk- I love that this game can accommodate a wide age range, which is exactly what we will have with 4 kids!
Sussed?- This looks funny and like it would bring up some good conversations with the kids.
Taco vs. Burrito- Again, I’ve heard amazing things about this game and can’t wait to play it! Brinley might be getting this one as a gift this year.
If you are shopping for a game for your own family or as a gift, I hope you found something on this list! Be sure to let me know in the comments if I missed any of your favorites! Clearly we are always looking for a new game to try.
If you need some last minute stocking stuffers, this is the post for you! I’m breaking down over 40 ideas all under $10 with shipping in time for Christmas!