Welcome to Filling Our Days

Hi! I am so glad you are here. My name is Miranda, mama of 3 very busy children. I am mostly a stay-at-home mom currently, but it wasn’t always this way. My goal with this blog is to give you a glimpse into how we fill our days as a family and how I fill my life as a person.

This motherhood journey can be hectic and isolating all at the same time! I found myself wishing days away and feeling regret at how quickly time was moving. I was not living my values and I was not the mother, wife, or person I wanted to be. It was far too easy for me to let the days go by without enjoying them and I wanted that to change. Hear me when I say that not all moments need to be treasured! That is impossible and creates a shame spiral for me if I’m not “enjoying every moment”. Instead, I found (and am still finding) strategies to live with more intention, gratitude, and connection.

One of those strategies has been to actively participate in and plan activities for my children. I used to feel overwhelmed at the thought of entertaining and educating my children, but I found a rhythm and will share our activities with you.

I hope you are able to find something helpful, relatable, or inspiring here. Join me as we fill our days with joy, laughter, and meaning.


Summer 2022 Theme Days